Wednesday, November 14, 2007


What are your reflections or insights on module 1?

I can say that I learned some useful information on the integration and infusion of technology in teaching. Though this seminar may be the same as some other seminars I have been through, but then new information and knowledge are still learned and encountered through cooperative sharing of the participants and the resource persons.

Reflection on Instructional Design Models

Four design models were presented by the resource person. As per assessment, I agree to the ADDIE model which I gathered was also the model which most schools used. It follows the basic learning assessment of a student based on the given lesson. I would also like to add my personal on the “re-teach” of the lesson which is not thoroughly understood by the students. Other participants shared their views on proceeding to the next lesson even though the previous one is not understood well due to a schedule which needs to be met. But as for me, I think I have to “re-teach” the lesson because there’s no use proceeding while students don’t understood the previous one which is a requisite to the next level.
Analysis of the Learner and the Environment


I like the way the module was presented this time. Compared to the other modules given previously, I find this one more appealing and challenging especially with the additional rebuttal of two educators regarding the concepts of equality in education. Examples given by Sir Meoh were really realities especially on the discussion on socioeconomics as parameter to learning. To wrap it all, the presentation this time is nice. Keep it up!

go cittadine

mga pakang!

i am currently norsu attending a's cool being here